In response to the desecration of copies of the Holy Quran in the Netherlands, a campaign was launched to distribute the Holy Quran with a Dutch translation.
Over the years, Islamophobia in several European countries has taken matters to an unprecedented level. As a result, the situation for Muslims has turned from bad to worse.
Islamophobic incidents have been taking place in the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway. Many far-right Christians in Denmark and the Netherlands have also committed heinous acts, such as desecrating copies of the Koran, to express their hatred of Muslims.
In Holland, on January 13, Wagonensveld, a far-right thinker, tried to set fire to a copy of the Holy Quran.
In response to this nefarious attempt, Muslims have started a campaign to distribute copies of the Quran so that the teachings of Islam can be common in Dutch society.
A campaign to distribute copies of the Quran has been started in the city of Arnhem in the Netherlands. The aim is to make people read the Quran and remove misconceptions about Muslims.
In this regard, managers of 6 mosque foundations organized an event titled ‘Don’t burn, read’ in a square in Arnhem city.
At the ceremony, those passing through the square were given copies of the Quran based on the Dutch translation. Along with this, brochures related to Islam were also distributed. Distribution of sweets was also organized in this event of distribution of copies of Quran.